bioYALP: for biologists, Yet Another Lipoprotein Predictor

Installation instructions

Requirements: Perl5

bioYALP has been written in Perl, to run it you need a Perl5 (or above) interpreter. It is usually available via the perl package on GNU/Linux systems. GNU/Linux, Microsoft® Windows® and Mac OS®.

+ Install perl on GNU/Linux
+ Install Perl5 on another OS

Install bioYALP

We will see how to install bioYALP into your home folder.

  1. Download the lastest release of bioYALP
    1. Type in a terminal:
      cd ~

      and keep the terminal window opened.
  2. Extract it
    1. When the download is finished, type in the same terminal:
      tar -xjvf bioYALP[press the tab key (on the left of the Q key)]
      Tip: the tab key autocompletes filenames
  3. A new folder, bioYALP, has been created into your home folder. Use it !